Homeschooling – Helps With Anxiety

They say that homeschooling helps with anxiety. However, growing up we didn’t have to deal with the things that kids have to today. While Anxiety is a part of our physical makeup and is something that we cannot avoid. It is something that if not addressed at an early age can cause negative results for our children later on in life.

I remember being in grammar school. I went to a Catholic school for 5 years. The school grades went up to the 9th grade, however, I just couldn’t stay there. For those who have never been to a Catholic school growing up, I’ll just say at times it was no fun.

The sessions were taught by Nuns, and I recall being “hit” on the knuckles with a wooden pointer for something. I don’t remember if it was for making any noise or something else. Another time, I was punished by being placed in a closet.


Understand that I was about 6 or 7 years old. That closet had a window that to me was about 10 feet above my head. I didn’t dare move. I was never punished at home because I never really did anything bad. My father was a big man, to me, and I never dared to do anything wrong.

homeschooling helps with a Scared Child

I recall strolling down the hallways as a student and seeing these old, wrinkly ladies in black looking down at me. They never seemed to be happy. You are totally mistaken if you believe that this setting did not cause anxiety. Perhaps it’s why I used to dream about dinosaurs. Who knows?

Furthermore, when recess arrived, it was a mixed blessing. I’d want to go out into the courtyard and run around playing baseball. However, it wasn’t all that great because some of the boys were cruel. I would often come home with a ripped shirt as a result of their brutality, which added to my anxiousness. I recall experiencing a lot of headaches.

Junior High and High School

There was still anxiety to conquer as I grew older. I recall taking WoodShop when I was in eighth grade. There was this boy who had stayed behind for a few years and was considerably bigger than the rest of us. He used to bully the rest of us, making it really unpleasant to attend that class. It’s difficult to learn a subject when a bully is breathing down your neck. Online homeschooling would have been a blessing. However, because there was no such thing as a computer at the time, the worry and anxiety persisted.

IThe time finally came to graduate from Junior High to High School. You hear about all the wonderful things that are happening there. To be honest, the worst things that were done back then were “smoking in the boys room,” as the song goes, and chewing gum in class. In comparison to now, we have to laugh. However, the stress and anxiety of learning new topics and knowing that you have to go to college developed a new type of anxiousness.

Then I graduated in 1964. Today, things are very different. Today, students have to be concerned about firearms being taken to school.

Homeschooling Helps With Anxiety:

The following in part is taken from School Shooting Statistics, Facts & Studies | Bullying & School Shootings – Video & Lesson Transcript |


It is now known that anxiety is one of the leading causes of school shootings.

Anxiety can be caused by many things, including bullying.

homeschooling prevents bullying

Students that are bullied frequently experience anxiety and a sense of isolation. Depression and, in some situations, suicide can result from this.

It is critical to handle anxiety and bullying in schools in order to prevent school shootings. One method to accomplish this is to provide greater assistance to pupils who are bullied. Homeschooling is an option.

Additionally, the current increase in school shootings, as well as teens’ fear of them, is causing long-term harm to our children. As a result, many young individuals may be unable or unwilling to excel in school. As a result, we may have an even worse problem than we had before. One that will require years, if not decades, of work to repair.

“American Teens Worry About Potential School Shooter,” according to Harvard professor Mark Lemley; he also adds that this disturbing trend has produced widespread anxiety among American teens today—with some questioning if they’ll ever feel secure going outside again…..

Solution for Parents

Life’s stresses can be overwhelming for teenagers. And, as their anxiety and stress levels rise due to the unknowns surrounding school safety, it’s critical that students have a secure area where their voice can be heard. For example, away from friends or academics who may tease them harshly with unfavorable comments.

Making this sacred space in your home will bring peace, aiding in the management of both mental health concerns and the link between parent/child interactions.

Our Homeschooling Helps With Anxiety Because Parents Will Have Control of the Environment

Homeschooling has allowed many kids to learn at their own pace and in their preferred learning method. Homeschooling is usually more engaging than public schooling because teachers know each child’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. And, most crucially, what they require additional assistance with!

It is critical that all students are prepared and confident in their abilities to learn from the first day of class.

This program strives for success by offering a safe environment (Home) in which kids can explore without judgment or preconceived beliefs about what “school” implies. You are at home wherever you are. A student with a mobile environment can use this program from anyplace.

If you are a military family or a home where everyone is constantly on the go, this program will work for you and your child.

This is not a regular school program. There are no obligatory exams on a regular basis. After a certain period of time, one test is administered by an independent third party. If the student passes, they can go to the next level. If not, they will be able to obtain the information again. Tutors, on the other hand, are ideally placed to provide the finest support to ensure that the student is mentally prepared to pass the test.

What are the Ages of Adolescence?

Adolescence is a time of significant transition and uncertainty, but it also provides several chances for inquiry. Early adolescents (ages 11-14), middle adolescence (ages 15-17), and late adolescence (ages 18-21) are the three separate stages. During these times, there is an increase in self-awareness as well as issues with identity and independence.

Teaching your child of any age the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic will provide them with a solid foundation for future study. However, if you want him or her to be successful in life, you must move beyond these subjects! Teaching youngsters self-esteem can help them become their own bosses at a younger age by instilling entrepreneurship skills. As a result, kids realize how precious they are as individuals, regardless of the path they choose after graduation.

This alternative to traditional school learning is incorporated into their curriculum. Many subjects that are not generally taught in a traditional school can be learned by the student. They will be able to study marketing ideas and life lessons as they progress through the grades (at their own pace, whether quick or slow).

Homeschooling Helps With Anxiety for Parents also!

I can understand that having homeschooling for your children, even if you want it, must be difficult for parents who work one or two jobs a day. You can only go so far with yourself. On the one hand, you understand how beneficial it would be for your children to be able to homeschool. You must, on the other hand, work. What should I do?

We are currently looking for talented educators of all educational fields to join our team as a teacher. If you have the certification, we need your help teaching students in K-12 schools online through this revolutionary new program that will allow them an unprecedented level of safety and comfort while getting compensated at home!

Homeschooling Online Private Program – Investment in Your Child’s Future!

Looking for a good private school education that won’t break the bank? Take a look at our school! While there is a fee to attend, rest assured that our fees are extremely inexpensive when compared to other private schools. Furthermore, as a classified private school, you may be eligible for subsidies or funding from your state to help cover tuition costs.

Are you thinking about homeschooling your child but aren’t sure where to start? You can obtain access to curriculum material to develop a tailored program for your child for only $99 per month. Additionally, if you want your child to benefit from virtual courses with a certified teacher, that option is available for an additional fee.

You’ll have access to individual Zoom classes with the teacher of your choosing for just $99 per month! Don’t worry if you miss a lesson; you’ll have access to video recordings as well. Kindergarten classes are also free! See the price breakdown for each grade level below.

  • 1st through 8th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 8th through 12th Grade $129 Monthly

PRE-ENROLLMENT for the Inaugural Education 2023-2024 School Year: CONTACT US

During the Initial Launch, we are enrolling Families up through July 31st, 2023 for only $1. And then starting on August 14th, just 2 weeks before classes begin the investment for the Monthly Family Account Access will be $99.00. 

After August 14th, 2023 all children within the Family Account Access will be able to set up and begin their Yearly Education for desired Year of Education.

Classes will begin Monday, August 28th 2023.

Start out by getting your Parent Account Set up (NO COSTS) here:

Better Then Most

We’re more than just another option to traditional schooling. Together with parents/guardians, we build lifestyles that are both educational and creative. It is all about developing personalized learning programs based on personality features or specific requirements (whatever they may be).

homeschooling and parents, Teacher Association
homeschooling and parent, teacher conferences

Whether you are a teacher or not, moms, dads, and grandparents will have access to a support system through Zoom PTA clubs. You can ask questions about what your child is learning in class or get general advice about how they’re doing at school without feeling like you’re interrupting the teacher! The program provides complete transparency into their learning so that everyone involved understands. When it comes to making decisions for your children’s future, no one feels left out.

We know how much you love your children, and we want to help give them a once-in-a-lifetime chance. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in as a parent or teacher looking for fantastic remuneration (both mentally and financially), save this page. Use ( [CTRL] and [D] To Bookmark) this website to stay up on dates and changes as they become available!

Finally, the goal of this special new way to educate from home is to encourage students to love learning. Finishing high school is merely a stepping stone in a lifetime education journey. If we can help our students love the process as well as the results by using our accredited curriculum, we consider our job well done.

Homeschooling Helps With Anxiety and this is the homeschooling you want.

To Your Child’s Successful Future!

Get Information About Being a Brainfood Academy Educator, Tutor, or Brand Partner HERE.